Thursday, December 28, 2023



 1.  He is INTENSELY interested in you. Note the word: INTENSE.

 2. He calls you regularly, always check on you and SINCERELY cares about your welfare. Note the word: SINCERE. 

 3. He LIKES to spend time with you. Note LIKE.

 4. He SERIOUSLY asks you questions about your future, dreams and aspirations. Note: SERIOUS.

 5. Me likes to know your parents, family members and friends.

 6. He is VERY generous. He gives to you without asking or putting pressure on him. Note the word: VERY.

 7. He admires you A LOT. He loves to look at you.

 8. He is physically attracted to you. He loves your total package.

 9. He wants you to meet his mom, dad, siblings and friends.

10. He shares his vision, dreams and aspirations with you.

Now, play boys can manufacture all of the above to do nothing but get into your pants and run!

How do you know a play boy from a highly responsible gentleman? Simple! He always ask for sex!

If he can't do without sex, you know Satan is seriously after your destiny! That is not love, it is lust so tell the guy to get lost before you get lost!

You get what I mean?

A man who genuinely loves you cares so much about you, your welfare and future and sex is the very last thing on his mind!

Hubby had a relationship with me for 5 years and never asked for sex once but was passionately, deeply and massively in love with me. 

That is genuine love in action!

May TRUE LOVE locate you!

Mayowa Joseph


 A woman has sex because she wants the man.

A man has sex because he wants sex. 

You see the difference?

Sex is a physical  thing to a man.

But for a woman, sex is both physical and emotional.

A woman can have sēx because of love. But a man can have sex because of sex.

Before a woman can have sex with you, she must have feelings for you. She must have that emøtionally attachment to you, Not talking about those trāding their for møney in the name of Hoøk up, Stop it. Heaven is watching;

That EROS dimension of love will be there.

Hārdly will you find a woman having sêx with a man she does not love. Except if she's a prostitute.

But for a man, reverse can be the case. A man may have no iota of love for you, and still have sex with you.

This is why a man can hire a prøstitute just to have sêx. He doesn't need to love the prostitute before he fulfils his sexual desire.

Now, understand this:

As a woman, a man can use you to feed his sexūal desires. He can even give you money. He can take you out. All because he wants sex, not you!

If you want to know if a man truly loves you, don't give him sêx. Sit back and watch. 

If he leaves you because you don't give him sêx, then he doesn't love you. He only loves sex!

  Dear young adult girl!

As you're growing up and getting closer to the journey of marriage life..pls try to understand that you can choose a husband for yourself but your kids can't choose their own father,while choosing a father for them pls choose a father,a friend,a tutor,a prophet,and a guidance for them...

And don't forget to be good mother  you can raise a hero and not a zero

Wedding ring is the smallest handcuff ever made, so think deep, choose your prison mate carefully and sentence yourself wisely, to avoid prison break.

Mayowa Joseph



1. Thou shall not have another partner apart from your spouse.

2. Thou shall not speak evil about your partner to your family.

3. Thou shall Remember the labour of your wife, when you were poor. So when you're rich, honour her. Also, thou shall remember how your husband is trying his best to fulfil his responsibility to the family,  so always encourage him and value his effort.

4. Thou shall not compare your partner to anyone.

5. Thou shall not deny thy self quality intimacy, even in the time of misunderstanding, don't deny yourselves.

6. Thou shall respect another, and and let humility reign in your house.

7. Thou shall not insult your partner in public so that people will not know their weakness. Thou shall correct one another in love secretly. Thou shall not bully your partner either by domestic violence or by uncouth words. 

8. Thou shall forgive your partner 70 x7 in 1 day.

9. Thou shall make your partner happy at all times. Thou shall always ask them: Are you okay❓

10. Thou shall not say to your partner, leave my life, or it is over between us, resolve your issues. Thou shall always remember that there is no perfect Union anywhere in the World. 

I pray for people facing challenges in their relationship or marriage, that God will intervene speedily and happiness will returned soon in your relationship or marriage.

 Your union will not scatter, may God bless your marriage in JESUS NAME.




People find themselves coming back to where they find peace


When your spouse knows that from you, their sexual and emotional needs are met, they will keep coming back


Celebrate your spouse, show that you value him/her. People go where they are celebrated, not tolerated 


When your spouse is with you, let him/her leave better, wiser, more refreshed, lighter, happier than they were before. Be that person who adds value to your spouse's purpose and quality of day


Refrain from being one who makes conclusive statements such as "You always do this and that" or looking at your spouse differently when he/she does something that doesn't sit right with you or opens up to you about something unpleasant. People avoid environments of judgment


Learn how to touch your spouse, how he/she loves being held. Your spouse will keep coming for the touch


Have control over your temper, know how to deescalate things. Not every disagreement should result into a fight. Avoid drama


The mistake many make is to attack and complain to their spouse about how he/she no longer makes time. This pushes your spouse away instead of inviting your spouse


Learn your spouse's favourite topics and engage. It will keep you from being boring

10. BE FUN

Don't take life too seriously, don't suck the air in the room, don't be negative. Respond to your spouse's naughtiness, flirting and playful nature. Fun is inviting 


People go where they feel heard. Don't dominate conversations. Show your spouse his/her thoughts, opinions and stories matter 


Let your spouse know how great a time you two have together. It will make your spouse feel important.




You should never force your spouse into having sex. Both of you need to consent to it each time even as a married couple. Don't be the person who offends your spouse and demands sex when your spouse is hurting.


Whatever sexual position you two do, whatever location where you two have sex; both your conscience should be OK with it. Don't force your spouse to do things that disturb the conscience.


It is not just about your sexual pleasure, both of you have to enjoy it. As your spouse makes you feel good, make him/her feel good too.


Foreplay is not just the touching, licking and rubbing before intercourse; but also treating each other special when sex is not the agenda. This makes your spouse feel your good treatment is not a tactic to get sex, but genuine love.


Hindplay is treating each other special after the climax. This involves cuddles, kind words, prayer, compliments and acts of service.


Sex being an exchange and mixing of body fluids and collision of bodies; maintain good hygiene. Brush your teeth, shower, wash your vagina well, wash your penis well, wash your butt area well to prevent foul smell, change inner wear, keep your finger nails clean, keep the bedroom clean, smell good. This encourages intimacy.


It is called love making because you are creating. Avoid monotony, create new memories.


Communicate how you want your spouse to please you; don't suffer in silence and assume your spouse knows. Make requests how you want it. Communicate when it is painful. Communicate when you are made love too well. Moan to encourage your spouse to do it right.


When love making is done right, you two will connect better and deeper as a couple.



*Contrary to popular opinion, money is not only the love language of women*. And physical touch alone is not the only love language of men. 

This Christmas, there are different ways of expressing and receiving love in a marriage relationship which strengthen your bond, plus how they can benefit in your marriage.

In a marriage relationship, if your spouse emotional needs are not met, you wouldn't get the best of him/her. Because unmet emotional needs tends to create frictions in marriage. 

That is why it's important you learn the *Love language of Your Spouse this Christmas and New Year Season*. And communicate it effectively.

Psychologist said there are *Five love languages*. They are;

*1. Words of Affirmations*

*2. Quality Time*

*3. Receiving Gifts*

*4. Acts of Service*

*5. Physical Touches*

*1. Words of Affirmation:*

This love language involves expressing love through verbal compliments, appreciation, and words of encouragement to your spouse. If your partner's love language is Words of Affirmation, make sure to regularly express your love and appreciation through words. This will make them feel loved.

*2. Quality Time:*

This love language is all about giving your partner undivided attention and spending quality time together. If your partner's love language is Quality Time, make sure to schedule regular date nights or activities where you can focus on each other without any distractions. Switch off phones, TVs, laptops and gadgets that takes your attention span.

3. Receiving Gifts:

This love language involves expressing love through thoughtful gifts and gestures. If your partner's love language is Receiving Gifts, make sure to regularly surprise them with thoughtful gifts or gestures that show you were thinking of them. Receiving gifts can be in monetary or nonmonetary terms.

*4. Acts of Service:*

This love language is abt expressing love thru actions, such as doing chores and other things


 How to Keep a Woman

1. Be humble and practice forgiveness.

If you want to keep your woman, be humble and admit your own mistakes. Ask for forgiveness and be sincere to not repeat your mistakes over and over again. If she commits mistakes, get rid of your pride and be ready to forgive her too.

2. Know and understand her better.

If you want to keep your woman, never make her feel that she’s a stranger to you. Hence, know and understand her deeper. Listen to her heart. Know what she loves and what she hates. Understand what makes her happy or sad. You must be the one who can understand her the most.

3. Be consistently honest.

If you want to keep your woman, make honesty a habit. Don’t lie about your past, present, and future. Honesty is uncommon in this world. A woman whose partner is honest and transparent would rarely suffer from jealousy and insecurity. If you’re an honest person, who would not want to stay with you?

4. Be loyal.

If you want to keep your woman, make her your only one true love. Just like honesty, loyalty will give her confidence and overcome any insecurity in her mind. Loyal men are hard to find these days. If you’re a loyal man, who would not want to have a long-term relationship with you?

5. Treasure her.

If you want to keep your woman, make her feel valued and important. Treat her like a princess or a queen. Keep her like she’s your most precious thing or blessing in this world. Don’t ignore her but give your most precious time and attention to her.

6. Be kind and compassionate.

If you want to keep your woman, feel her joy and suffering. Only by feeling what she feels will you be able to make her happy and comfort her when she’s sad. With kindness and compassion, your common relationship problems and misunderstandings will be easier to solve.

7. Support and empower her.

If you want to keep your woman, help her make her dreams come true. Don’t be a hindrance in reaching her goals in life. Let her grow and achieve her full potential. By giving your support, you can also show how much you love her.

8. Respect and honor her.

If you want to keep your woman, respect her as a woman, a human, and as your one and only partner in a relationship. Don’t forget to appreciate her achievements, whether they are small or big. Value her words, opinions and decisions even they are opposite to yours.

9. Protect her.

If you want to keep your woman, be her hero. Be a chivalrous guy who will keep her away from danger or inconvenience. Be a man who will protect her from harm, whether it’s coming from others, from her, or from you.

10. Trust her.

If you want to keep your woman, trust her and don’t think of her like an unclean woman, especially if you don’t have a proof. Learn how to be calm and manage your own green-eyed monster and other insecurities. Show that you have confidence in her.

11. Be a responsible man.

If you want to keep your woman, be a real man. Learn to love and develop yourself. Don’t waste your time and money on drunkenness and other vices. Instead, build a bright future for her, for your relationship, and your children. Stop being childish – start getting mature and a more grown man.

12. Make a big sacrifice.

If you want to keep your woman, show her that you are selfless. Make her realize that she is your world, your Universe. Show her that you can leave your old world just to be able to live in her world.

13. Be romantic.

If you want to keep your woman, make your love story more interesting and exciting. Give her flowers, always tell her you love her, travel with her, have a nice dinner date with her, and do every romantic thing that comes to your loving and creative mind. Being romantic shows that you are thoughtful and that she’s always on your mind.

14. Love her as a whole.

If you want to keep your woman, don’t just love her physically, but love her totally. Don’t just use her for your physical pleasures but stay with her because her presence completes your heart, spirit, and soul.

15. Don’t give up on her.

If you want to keep your woman, be a persistent man who will fight for your love no matter what. Don’t easily give up when your relationship is in trouble. Don’t break up with her for petty things. Don’t ever utter the word “breakup”. Make her realize that you are serious and determined to have a relationship with her that can last for life.

There is no guarantee that you can keep your woman as long as you want since the final decision for her to stay with you lies in her. You cannot force someone to love you and stay with you for life. However, you can always do something to make her fall in love with you and be with you forever.



Many people do not know the meaning of relationship or read different meanings to that word.

A RELATIONSHIP is not about having a handsome boyfriend or having a beautiful girlfriend.

It’s not about looking for a perfect person because there isn’t any perfect person on earth.

It’s not about looking for a fair complexion or a rich person.

Having a lot of money doesn’t mean that one has too much pure love.


A relationship is about finding someone who respects you.

Who cares about you in anyway he/she can afford.

Who understands you.

Who is proud of having you.

Who appreciates you the way you are .

Who loves you the way you are.

Who is faithful to you.

Who knows how to comfort you.

Who is supportive to you or in everything you are trying to do.

Who knows how to encourage

you to be your best.

Who would accept the worst of you.

Forgive you

And who will go through everything without giving up on u.

Such people are very rare to find these days.

It takes God himself to bring you such person just like He did for Adam.

But your relationship with God will be a major determinant in finding such person.

If you have got such person already just keep that person.

Handle him or her with care.

Be honest & contented with that person and don't do anything to hurt or let down that special person.

Remember, Relationship is a full time commitment/sacrifice and you must be willing to pay.

©Last prince 

Monday, December 18, 2023



Rev. Dr. J.M. Ngul Khan Pau 

Gamdang tung Zomite tawh kisai awlmawhna leh thapiakna zop tohtoh ding ka cih hangin tawlpi khat sung kong khawl hi. Tutungin gamdang mimal leh Pawlpi khat genna hi loin a huampi-in i kisap keima muhna tamlo kong hawmsawn nuam hi. Pasian huhna tawh a beisa kum sawmnih sung i tangthu kikhelna lamdang kasa hi. Sia Lang Do Khup gen na kawm leng, “Nidangin Kawlpi pan Tedim mawtaw tawh i pai ciangin mawtaw nungzui tangvalno a nung khawnga kiluai lenglengte tuni in US ah mawtaw hoihpipi tawh hong muakin hong kha ka muh ciangin i khang kilamdang cih ka phawk hi.” 

America tungte bek kilamdang hi loin Malaysia, Australia, Singapore, Europe, Japan leh South Korea omte zong kilamdanna tampi om hi. Malaysia a siate khat in, “Inn lamah aksa nek ding haksa kisa mahmah a, hih lai ah bel haksa kisa nawn lo bek hi loin kikham lam hizaw hi,” ci hi. Mite khantohna manlang lua ahih manin eite zong tua huzap in hong nawkin eima dinmun tawh kituakin kikhangto hi. Tutung in awlmawh thu namli khawng gen khawm ni. 

1. PHATNA LEH BIAKNA: Phatna leh biakpiakna in Zomite biakna nuamsak mahmah ta hi cih i mu ciat uh hi. Biakpiakna sungah na lamdang zong piang a, damlo damna ngah ahi zongin, khamtheih guihtheih sung pan kikhelna zong om cih ka mu hi. Tua bang sung mahah kipuahphat nading ngaihsuthuai kasak om a, tamlo kong gelh hi. Tulai i biakpiakna sungah Pasian pahtawina sangin tua biakpiakna makaite peuh kipahtawina tamzaw hiam ka ci thei zel hi. Tua ciang, eima nopsakna “feeling” kizongin Pasian deihna kizong lo hiam cih zong ka ngaihsun hi. I biakpiakna hong makaih pawlte’n amau vai a zawh uh ciangin amau vai mankhin ta cih bangin amau phone khawng tawh buaipah zong ka mu thei hi. Pasian kammal kipulakna thudon lualo uh hi leh kilawm ka sa hi. 

Biakpiakna pen “show-business” “siamna kilahna” bangin kizang kha thei hi. Assam gamah ah Rev. Dr. Gibson Marakte thugenna ah “Phatna leh Biakna” sunga kihel numei khat thugenna zawh ciangin ki-ap ding sapna a kibawl ciang, amah gulpi bangin bawkvak a, “kei dawi nupi ka hi, bang hangin kei hong buaisak ding hong pai na hi uh hiam?” ci-in thugenpa’ kiangah lamzuan hi. Amau thungetna tawh tua nu sung panin dawi hawlkhiatna nei uh hi. Lasa leh tumging tumte zong piangthak lo ki-om thei hi cih ka mu hi. Mite’ kahna panin ei zong khasia in kikap thei a, ahi zongin sunglam kilamdanna nei lopi hih ding lauhhuai lua hi.

Biak kikhop tawp ciangin tep leh muam zong zat ngei bangin zang, ahih hangin phatna leh biakna khawngah zong kilim hel mahmahte dinmun ngaihsuthuai kasa hi. Tua ciang Pawlpi khat leh khat phatna leh biakna khawng kidem hileng kilawm kasa hi. Biakpiakna thangah mahmah laitak makaite’n tumging leh otna tawh “salan late” hong sakpih thei uh hi. Salan late i sak theih manin khami hihna hi masa tuanlo hi. Khami hihna pen midangte mawhna maisak zo, midangte itna tak tawh khualna leh nuntakna siangtho zatna khawng ahi hi. Pawlpi dangte’n Topa’ vehna a ngah uh leh lungdampih thei-in, Jesu lungsim bang neite in khami hihna hi a, ei Pawlpi bek hat ding midangte thanem leh zong phamawhsak lohna khamitna hi loin hazatna hi. 

2. PAWLPI KITAM DEUHDEUH: Pawlpi phungcing mahmah pawlkhat lamet lohpi-in hong kikhen ciangin lamdang kasa hi. I tam pen zangsiam loin i tawm ciangin kituak thei pan hileng kilawm hi. Tukum Indianapolis ah i sanggam Falam leh Khalkha lamte biakinn Richard Lian in hong phakpih a, tutna 3000 bang kigual zihziah biakinn thum ka muh ciangin hampha kasa hi. Tua bang Pawlpite kem ding hileng keptak bek hi loin Mission, Lai Siangtho Sanginn vai leh cimawh huhna khawngah zeekcing mahmah ding ahih manin a nawkna khat peuhpeuh uh cihtak ding hi. 

Pawlpi pawl khat pen upate ginat loh manin kisia om a, amau neihsa bangin Pawlpi hong kep uh ciangin, amau thu bekbek a pai dingin deihbawl uh hi. Tua pen Pawlpi hoih nading sangin upa khat leh nih thuneih nopman khawng hi nuam hi. Tua mah bangin sia kici kha thu vei vetlo, Lai Siangtho sangkahna bel na zo bilbel neih khawng zong thubaih lo hi. Leitung vai tawh Pawlpi kikep ding hi lo a, Kha Siangtho huhna bek tawh kikep ding hi. Siate pawlkhat in sum leh pai i sai luat ciangin sum thu tawh buai ki-om thei a, sum peuh mah ahih theih leh sumkem a tuam mah hipah leh deihhuai hi. Pawlpi sum pen lohkik ning cih tawh kizang kha thei a, lohkik sangin zat behlap tohtoh baih mahmah hi. A tawpna ah tua bang sum thelthangte hangin Pawlpi sung kisiatna om hi. Sum tawh kisai i buai ciangin kha thu-ah zong kithanem mahmah hi. Bang hang hiam cih leh Topa’n “to nih na nasem thei kei ding uh hi,” a cih thuman hi (Matt. 6:24).

Lai Siangtho sinna zo peuhpeuh zong Pastor ding hi khin tuan lo hi. Lai Siangtho sanginn khawngah laihilh dingin hoih mahmah ki-om a, sawltak nasepah muibun mahmah a ki-om bangin pastor ding zong ki-om hi. Kha letsong ngahna tawh kisai mahmah hi. Pawlpi cidam lai ei khuapih Lai Siangtho sinzo khat nasepna ngah ding deihsak manin Pawlpi kitap ding vaihawm loh hoih mahmah ding hi. Pawlpi pen Khris pumpi i cih leh tua pumpi kibalkham ding vaihawm pen adahhuai mahmah vaihawmna hi. Pasian nasemte pen “Pasian sapna” ngahte ahih ding hi. Union Biblical Seminary, India ah Bachelor of Divinity (BD) ka sim lai-un sangnaupang khat nitak a simtham a vakkhia den khat om hi. Student Union President ka sepsung (1984-85) ahih manin tuapa ka hopih hi. Amah Mikang innkuan khat in sum tawh huh ahih manin sum na buai het lo, zu khawng na dawn thei zel cih ka zak ciangin, “Pasian in hong sam takpi hiam, ahih kei leh hong sam lopi nang telkhial na hiam,” ka cih ka phawk kik hi. Sum in a sap, thuneih nopna in a sap, minthan nopna in a sap kitam lua in ka mu hi. 

3. SUM VAI TAWH BUAI: Tuhun lawhcing leh lawhsam kitehna khat ahih leh neih leh lam mite sangin neihzawk ding ahi hi. Bangladesh a thusinna pia dingin Dimnu tawh ka pai lai-un, “No kiangah makai lawhcing kicite hong gen un,” ka cih uh leh, “Makai lawhcing pen America tawh kizom, office lian pipi nei-in, laptop leh phone mantam penpente tawi, mawtaw hoih penpen nei, a office mai-ah amah kimuhpih nuam mi om tawntung ding… tuate hi,” hong ci uh hi. Ko zong, “Sawltak Paul no kiangah makai in hong om ding hileh a lawhcingte lakah pang kha lo ding aive maw,” ka ci uh hi. Lawhcing i tehna a maan loh manin tuhun ciangin sum leh pai hau mai ding cih thupi kisa a, zong a neite kizahtak hi. 

Pasian nasemte sumbat tawh minsia kitam lua khin zo a, pawlkhat bang amau Pawlpi ah hunbit sem kawmkawmin gamdang panin khasum zong a ngah ki-om cih kaza ngei hi. Tuate pen gamdang kizoppihte’ kiangah amau missionary bangin hong ciah kik uh hi a, ei kiangah Pawlpi sia hong sem kawmkawmin gamdangte’ hunbit nasem zong ki-om kha hih tuak hi. Tua bek hi loin Pawlpi min tawh bank ah sum loan la-in Pawlpi neihsa leitang khawng bank ah khapna (mortgage) zong ki-om cih kaza hi. Pawlpi mahmah in zong sum nambat khatna ah i koih manin khamangthang mat sangin summuh ding i lungsim ah lianzaw khin zo hiam ka ci hi. Pasian thu sangin leitung thu in i lungsim hong zo khin zo a, manpha i sakte i nutsiat ding vive ahih ding lauhhuai hi. 

Sum vai tawh buai i gen ciangin tulai Pasian thugente zong mite’n thugen dingin hong sap ciang, “kei nong sap ding uh leh sum hizah na kiging unla, nek leh tak, tunna giahna zong hih bangin nong zindo ding uh,” kici giapgiapta hiam ka ci hi. Kei zong evangelist in na zinzin khin ngei ka hih manin tunna giahna haksa pen ka tel mahmah hi. Ahi zongin Topa’ sawlna leh khamangthang lainatna hangin a kipai hizaw a, sumngah sumthalawh dingin kipai lo hi. Sum leh pai hong pia zo Pawlpi leh khua a om hangin hong pia zo lo ding zong na tam mahmah ding hi. Tua hi a, Pasian nasemte’n kei nong cial ding uh leh tuazah ka rate hi cih limlim i neih leh kilawm hetlo dingin ka mu hi. Leitung thu a pilna tawh mite’n a cial ngiatte uh ahih leh sum tuazah cih bikhiah nei leh zong phamawh lo hi. Gospel pen a khawnkhong a hong kipia ahih manin sumbawlna in i zat het loh ding deihhuai hi.

4. INN LEH MAWTAW: Pasian thupha sangin inn leh mawtaw hoih nono i nei uh a, tua bang la thei dingin hamphatna i ngah lungdamhuai mahmah hi. Kisam kasak loh pawl khat ahih leh eima khasum tawh kituak hetlo mawtaw leh inn mantam mahmah i lak pen vangik kiguan i hih ciangin i kilunghihmawhpih hi. Zomite’n inn mah thupi bawl i hih manin i neih tawh kituak het lo inn-gawlpipi neih ding i hanciam uh hi. I lungsim ah nop ni dah ni a zat cing ding mah paulap in kinei hi. A taktakin nop ni dah ni zong a om thithe hi khollo ahih manin i sum leh pai tate’ laipilna zonna ding lam bang hanciampih in, inn leh lo sangin tua lam thupisak leng i mailam khuavakzaw ding hi. America a tun zawh uh kum 10 valkhin zo, ahih hang innsap sungah teng lai innkuan khat tawh ka kiho kha uh hi. Amau a tate uh sanginn hoih ah kahsak ahih manin inn la zo nai lo uh hi. Tate’ laisiamin President Award zong a ngah om uh hi. Tuate innsung ka et uh ciangin mailam inn hoih mahmah ah om ding cih ka mu thei hi.

Siate pawlkhat in Pawlpi mite foodstamps khawng siau dingin i paipih ciang, i mite mawtaw zat pen Foodstamps office a nasemte’ mawtaw sangin hoihzaw pek ahih manin nuam mello hi, ci thei uh hi. Tua mah bangin bawngsa semna semte khat in ama mawtaw zat pen a Mikang manager-pa mawtaw sangin a zahnih bangin mantamzaw in nuam mello hi, a cih kaza ngei hi. Mawtaw hoih a i kidem sangin tate sanginn hoih a kahsak kidem leng i mailam khantohna kineizaw ding hi. US a siate’ khat in, “Pawlpi upate khat summet tulsawm hong la a, mawtaw lei ding hong dong hi. Second hand mawtaw tulsawm mante hoih mahmah, ken zong tuate mah zang in,’ ka ci hi. Ama’n bang ngaihsun a hi diam, tulsawmguk man khat va la mawk,” ci hi. Leitung bup a lampi hoih penpen ah dollar tulsawmguk man mawtaw hawl dingte pen Company a CEO khawng hileh kilawm ding hi. Zumpi sung khawng a nasem nai lote adingin i mawtaw zatte sanglua mahmah hi.

Pawlkhat in mawtaw leh inn khawng kei thu hi, leizo lua ka hih manin nong genpih uh kisam kei, hong ci nuam zong om kha ding hi. Khantohna pen damdamin khangto leng to zaw a, thakhat a khantoh pen kipua zo lo thei hi. Lamka sumbuk bawl khat in, “Siapa no zong lai na sim uh ciangin, BA, MA na tun nadingun KG class, class I, II, III cih bangin na kahtoh mah bangun ko sumbawlte zong damdam a khangtote’n sumzek dan telzaw, Class I laivuanna zo pante’n BA sim sawm tawh kibang tam kasa hi,” ci hi. Hauhna zong thakhat thu a hauh pen kipua siam lo hi. Lamdawt tawn a hauh pen kisiatpih tamzaw hi. Tua hangin mihau masate’ tate zatui/zatang tawh buai tam a, a sih kei uh leh zong khamtheih zongsangte kepna phual ah om tam mahmah uh hi. 

Inn leh mawtaw i gen lai-in genbeh dingin lungsim a hong om ahih leh, tuni a i inn lakte pen kum 30 sunga piak ding hi. Nu leh pa tua inn late tuzawh kum sawm khawngin hong pension leh khasim inn bill piak ding i tate’n hong piaksak nuam kei leh kum sawmthum ma-in tua inn bank in hong laksak ding lauhhuai kasa hi. I inn leite a teng masa pawlkhat inn hoihzaw a teng a om hangin pawlkhat inn bill pia zo nawn lo a, pusuak om kha dingin ka um hi. Tuni a ei min tawh i kep innte khang kizomin i neisuak takpi tam maw cih ngaihsuthuai hi. Pasian mah in hong vaihawmpih in, tate bek hi loin tute khawng tawh khang kizomin i tenna dingin zangkhawm thei leng lunggulhuai kasa hi.

THUKHUPNA: Tutung awlmawhna tawh kong gen thute mimal khat hiam, Pawlpi khat hiam cihnopna hilo in, ka lungsim ah a om zawh sawt, ka ki-ipip zawh sawtzo lua khin ahih manin hong gelhkhia ka hizaw hi. Paunak 9:8-9 sungah, “Mihaite thuhilh kei in; hong mudah ding uh hi.  Mipilte thuhilh in; hong it ding uh hi. Mipilte thuhilh lecin, pil semsemna in nei ding a, thuman mite thuhilh lecin a thutheihna uh khang semsem ding hi,” ci hi. Ei tawh kituak a omleh kipuahphatna in zang ni; a kituah keileh thu theihna in zang ni. Topa in a sim u leh naute thupha hong pia hen.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Pawlpi makai kitel ciang



#Akiteel dingte #Teelna ngah thakte #Teelna ngah lote #A teel mipite 

Siang gen mahmah mai leng Pawlpi kitapna leh Pawlpi sung a buaina omte pen MAKAI hang ahi hi. Makai kituh, makai ut lua, makai ut lo lua, makaih siam lo, makaite thu mang lo… cihte hang vive hi. Tua hang mahin makaihzia tawh kisai mipil John C. Maxwell in “Na khempeuh a khanna ahi a a kiatna ahi zongin makai hang hi – Everything rises and falls on leadership…” na ci hi. Hong khanpih ding makai maw hong kiatpih ding makai koi dante teel ihi hiam? 

Kum bei simin Zomi Pawlpi sung kiteelna a tamzaw om den a, Khrismas hang a lungdam ding leh lungnuam tak a kumthak dawn ding kim lai Pawl sung leh innkuan sung kimaitai zo lo thei gige hi. Makai kiteel ciang a theih huai pawlkhat mimal muhna tawm hong kum ing. Mimal muhna hi bek ahih manin nang a tawh a kituah kei leh hong maisak in.   

1. A KITEEL DINGTE: Nomination Committee/Mipi in teel ding a makai min a gualhte lakah na min a kihel leh na ut a na ut kei zongin kamtam lua, paupeng lua kei in. Bang hang hiam cih leh Topa in mipite zang a hong deih pen lungdam huai lua hi. Na tate paulam kei in. Topa nasepna ah na tate a dongkholh a ci tawh kibang kha ding hi teh. Nasep tam lua, ci-in paulap zong kei in. Nasem zo ding a hinna damna hatna hong pia Topa ahih lam phawk zaw in. Paulap zong vetvet ken la om hit hiat lecin mi gina na hihna kilang zaw ding hi. Topa’ sapna a nial ngam dingin nang neu lua hi teh. 

Tua mah bangin a kiteel ding mite lakah na min hong kikoih kei leh nakpi takin khasia se dah lel in. Topa’ teel lohpi a makai tang ut pen lauhuai mahmah zaw ahih lam phawk in. Pasian’ teel lohpi a ci le sa hanciamna tawh Upa makai a sem, Pastorte ahih kei leh midang khatpeuh khasiasak lua kha a Topa’ maipha a muh loh lawh om thei gige hi. Makai sem se lo a Topa maipha muh ding thupi zaw ci lel in. Makai ut lua ken la, hong kideih leh nial tantan se dah in.   

2. TEELNA NGAH THAKTE: Mi bangzah hiamte sung panin makai dingin nang hong kiteel cing ahih manin lungdam huai hi. Ahi zongin hih pen kisialhna leh kiphatsakna lamin la het kei in la, na pilna leh na hatna khawng suang mawkmawk loin Topa’ kiangah nakpi takin ki-ap in. Nang sang a senior zawte leh junior zawte, numei Naupangte leh meigong daipamte a phawk a khual den makai hong hi in. Thungetna leh Lai Siangtho sim hahkat mahmah ding phawk in. Makai pen a tamzaw mipi mai a pai ding ahih manin piakkhiatna, kikhop paina, meeting kahnate ah lim pha hih sawm in. Pastor te ban a dom sak hi in la, Pastor te khasiasak makai hi kha kei ham tang in. 

Pawlpi a tamzaw in Pastor/Advisor/Consultant i nei ciat hi. Tuate tawh tonkhawmin ahun zui-in Cialpi, Seminar, Consultation, thusinna leh activity tuamtuam bawlpih sawm in. Ngaihsut hong kipiate khinkhai in la na theihna tawh gawm khawm in. Mi khat cihcih in gamta den kei in. A kisem ngeisa teng bek sep sawm loin, lampi lui teng bek zuih sawm loin na thak vai thak bang ka sem ding hiam, cih Topa kiangah vision ngen in. Seppihte adingin a nawngkai lam hi loin teamwork a siam mi hih sawm in.  Tua mah bangin na mai ate sepna maban khempeuh zahpih bawlin lumlet gawp kha kei in. Min deih lua kei in. Lawhcinna taktak Topa kiang pan ahih lam phawk in. 

Teelna ngahte sung panin eimau kivakna talen ciat om ahih manin panmun hawm dan siam kisam mahmah hi. Lai mi zaw deuhte in Secretary cih bang, thu tawh a teng ngiungeute Chairman ding cih bang, sumkem ding a hoih diak cih bang om ahih manin tuate en kawmin panmun kigual leng kimazang tuam mahmah hi.  

3. TEELCINGLOTE: Makai kiteel cih ciangin a cing a om mah bangin a cing lo zong om ding hi hang. Vekpi a makai cih bang om thei lo hi. Maizumna dingin ngaihsun het kei in. A pil pen a siam pen teng a kiteel cing hi tuan lo a, tutung adingin a lem pen teng a kiteel hi zaw hi. Teelcing makaite thapiak ding, tawsawn a panpih ding ngaihsun in la lang bawl het kei in. Mi na lang bawl leh nang makai na sep ciangin midangte in zong nang hong langbawl leh nuam sa lo ding hi teh. 

Makai sem laitakte pawlkhat pen kiteel cing nawn kei leh “KIA” ci mawk ihih manin makai hihna pan a kiasuk tawh kibang a, pawlkhat in na sa thei, maizum ngaihsut thei mawk uh hi. KIA cih lamin  la loin tawlnga, tha hong kikhek… ci leng tawldam huai pen hi. Makai na hih lai mah bangin Pawlpi sungah sumpi piakna leh nasepnate ah thadah lo tha sial loin sem suak in. Eima makaih sung bek hanciam, mi makaih ciang a thadah pen miginalote dan ahi hi. 

Hih pen Pawlpi pilvangte in a “KIA” cih dan a om lohna dingin Term khat simin sehthuam suah sehkhat cih bang a tawlnga ding gual diudeu thei uh a vai tampi nuam tuam hi. A limlimin ei panna munah ei tang a hong pang ding mi a om pen lungdam zawk ding ahi hi. Khantawn a ei bek in i sep sawm leh gim huai mahmah ding hi. 

4. MAKAI A TEEL MIPITE: Makai i teel siam leh i Pawlpi in na lianpi semin khangto thei a, i teel siam kei leh khangto lo bek tham lo manthanna lam kimanawh thei hi. Makai teelna ah Pasian a zahtak, nuntakna ah a siangtho gen bang lo theithei, innkuan sung uk zo mi, a zite a kamtam lua lo, mi thukhual, ngaihsutna kip a neite teel huai hi.  I Timothy 3:1ff sungah Siate leh Upate pianzia ding limtak kigelh hi. 

Tua ciangin tanau pai luat, khua pai luat leh beh pai luat hoih het lo hi. Pawlpi khat sung a bawng cing zawdeuhte in zong ei tam tah hang ci-in ei teng bek in makaihna buluah loin tanau meltheih hau lote phawk ding kilawm hi. Pasian in kuate teel hiam, cih et masak pen ding ahi hi. Tua pen Pasian’ tate zia ahi hi. Tanau haulote zong ei citawm ci a thanem pong mawk ding hi loin Topa mitsuan a ihihna bangbang tawh hanciam ding hi lel hi. 

Leitungbup a om Zomi Pawlpi khempeuh makai teel siam ding leh makaite hang a a nuamsa a khangto Pawlpite hi dingin Topan thupha hong pia ciat ta hen. Amen.


Photo a ka suan pen Pinterest pan ka laksawn, amau zg Cory Booker kammal ana laksawn uh hi.

Rev. Thang Van Lian