Monday, March 3, 2025

Nu tawh kisai kuate in bang gen


NU tawh kisai, kuaten bang gen 

1. Nu hoih khatin Sia 100 tawh kikim hi. (George Herbert)

2. Nu hoih 3 hong pia le uhcin leitung buppi ka-uk zo ding hi. (Napoleon Bonarpat)

3. Pasian a zahtak Nu anei peuhmah genthei ngeilo hi. (Abraham Lincoln)

4.  Nute-in vantung kongpi tawhtang kemte ahi uhi. (Theodore Williams)

5.  Nu hoih khat pen galkap kuankhat (Batalion 12) sangin manpha zaw hi. (H.Benson)

6.  A lawhcing pasal peuh mah Zi hoih nei teng a hi uhi. (George Washington)

7.  Nute hong pia dih un, amaute zangin leitung kong kilamdangsak ding hi. (St. Augustine)

8.“NU” cih kammal sungah lungnopna zatui namkim kiguang khawm hi. (Bishop Thomson)

9.  Nute in a tavuante uh hong zotek leh India gam in haksatna thuak lo ding hi. (Mahatama Ghandhi)

10. Nu bang a Pawlpi a it lote, Pasian zong Pa bangin it theilo hi. (Martin Luther)


• Abraham Lincoln: Kumpi ka tun theihna pen ka nu hong patah hang hi.

• Bishop Thompson: Nu cih kammal sungah lungnopna om hi.

• D.L.Moody: Nu khempeuh kei nu abang hileh leitungah thong-inn omlo ding hi.

• George Herbert: Nu-hoih khat pen Sia 100 tawh kikim hi.

• H.Benson: Gal hangte sangin nu hoih manpha zaw hi.

• Napoleon: French gam ii ki sap in “Nute” hi.

• Rasa Wallace: Nau luai avei khut in leitung uk hi.

• R.A.Torry: Nu-hoih sanga zahtak huaizaw omlo hi.

• St.Augustine: Nute hong pia un, amaute zangin leitung ka kilamdang sak ding hi.

• Timothy Dwight: Ka lawhcinna thusim pen nu hoih ka neih hang hi.


May 13, 2017

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Memorandum of Paite National Council, 1955



Memorandum of Paite National Council, 1955

Memorandum of the Paite National Council (Demanding the recognition of the Paites as a distinct tribe of India)

The Honourable Minister, Home Affairs,
Government of India 


We, the people of Paite in India, beg to submit this memorandum of ours to the Government of India demanding the constitutional recognition of Paite as a distinct tribe of India by the Government of India. The following are few facts about our tribe and demand:



The Paite claim to have originated according to their legend from the Sun to be progenitor of their fellow tribes. They left their home at ‘Chimnuai-Geltui’ in Burma and come to Manipur State and Mizo District. The bulk of their population therefore still live in Chin Hills Burma and a large number in the Mizo District today. In Manipur the Paite have their settlement chiefly in the South-West. Well over 60,000 Paite live in bothy Manipur State and Mizo District occupying an area of nearly 3000 square miles. 



“In their dress and habitations the Paite resemble the Lushais, but the place of the “Zawlbuk” is taken by the front varanda of the houses of certain persons of importance, in which are long sleeping bunk in which half a dozen or more youngmen pass the night…The women do not wear the huge ivory earrings of the Lushais but cornelians or short lead bars.”


“As regards marriage they are monogamists, in this particular forming a very remarkable exception to all their cognates. The marriages of paternal first cousins are allowed infact, among the chiefs these are the rules. The parent of a young man who desires to marry a girl go to her house with an offering of “zu” and if this is accepted the girl is at once taken to their house, but the bridegroom continues for two or three months to sleep with his bachelor friends. The marriage is not considered final nor is any payment made till a child is born, and if this does not occur within three years the couple separate in few cases, but on the birth of a child the full price agreed on must be paid up and divorce is not countenanced. On my enquiring what would happen in case the lady subsequently proved fickle, my informant smiled in a superior manner and said that such behaviour was unknown among this people-the Paite…”


“As among most non-Lushei tribes, it is the custom among the Paite that the eldest son inherits and the genealogy is traced not from female line but from the male line”.


“For their “Sabiak” sacrifice the Paite offer to the gods and demons and spirits, a boar, a chicken, a goat, a dog, etc. “The skin of the head, the testiclws, heart, snout, and liver” are offered to the deities on a bamboo altar, which must be freshly thatched”.


“Immediately after birth the child is washed, and a fowl is killed, and its fearhters are worn round the necks fo the mother and infant. On occasion of the naming two or three pigs if available should be killed and much “zu” drunk. 


“After death the corpse is placed on a platform (bed) and fires are lit round it, and young men and maidens sleep near it. The skin is hardened and preserved b being rubbed with some greasy reparation. The body is dressed in the best of clothes available and a chaplet of the tail feathers of the hornbill is placed on its head. During the daytime the corpse is kept in the house, but in the evening it is brought aout and seated on the varendah while the villagers dance and sing round it and drink “zu” pouring it also into the mouth of the corpse. This disgusting performance goes on for a month or more according to the social position fo the deceased. The corpses of those who have attained Thansuah or Tawng honours are kept for a year, at least, in a special shed encvased in a tree trunk…” The Kut festivals are not observed among the Paite, but after the harvest the owners of houses in which young men lodge kill pigs and perform what is known as Sawmzunek.

House site

“When a new site for a house has to be chosen an egg is taken and one end is removed. It is then propped upon three small stones and a fire is lit under it. This is called ‘Aisan’. If the contents boil over towards the person consulting the omen the site is rejected as unlucky. (Vide page 142 of the Lushai Kuki clans written by Lt Col. J Shakespeare”. Writing in 1910 as he did Shakespear of course did not anticipate some changes in the social customs of the Paite but as a whole he gave some pictures of the customs of the Paite even in the author’s own life time. 


G A Grierson, CIE PhD DLitt, ICS, in his Linguistic Survey of India (Vide page 84 Vol III) showed clearly that the language of the Paite is different from any of other tribes namely, the Lusheis, the Nagas and the Kukis and Dr Grierson gave some exhausted examples. Suppose we give the following word “What” to show the difference between Paite, Lushei, or Kuki:

 English         Paite      Kuki (Thado)         Lushei

 What?      Bangahia?      Ipiham?            Engani?

Thus, we can see at a glance that the distinction of the Paite language from other languages of the scheduled tribes is an open fact which does not require proof.


The Paite had their first printed book in their own language back in 1904 in a form of a Primer. Since then they have some 20 books printed in their own language.


As stated before the Paite have their settlement in the South West of Manipur, and in Norther part of Mizo District and even in Chin Hills. They have their own village rule, their own customs, language, literature and culture.

In the first Edition of the Primer written in Lushei language when the British first took yp the administration of Lushai hills (Now, Mizo District) it is written that “there were no particular ruling class among the lushais. But our other neighbouring tribes such as Paite, Shuktes, and Poites from time immemorial have been having ruling classes among them”. This also clearly testifies that Paite are distinct community.


Shri H Singh, Chief Commissioner, Manipur: “ I thank you (General President, Paite National Council) for your kind letter of the 19th November, conveying the congratulation of the Paite National Council. I am sure that I can count on your co-operation in setting up a sound administration for Manipur”. On another accessions he wrote like this: “The Paite national Council of Churachandpur gave an excellent display of Paite dances and songs in Manipur Industrial and Cultural exhibition of 1951 and also exhibited a dew interesting articles of local manufacture such as handloom products, baskets, weapons, etc. I warmly congratulate Messrs Tualchin and Thangkhai for the successful orgaisation of this activities and wish the Paite every prosperity. The Paite tribe has been most loyal and helpful to the Government and I have no doubt they can always be relied upon”.

Shri R P Bhagava, ICS Chief Commissioner, Manipur: “I am grateful for the above-mentioned programme arranged on the occasion of my stay at Churachandpur. The exhibition fo the Agricultural processes is quite interesting. The various dances of the of the feast, merry making or on the conclusion of a successful hunt are interesting to see. I am also thankful for the cooperation which the Government of Manipur is receiving from the Paite National Council in the collection of unlicenced arms”.

The Deputy Commissioner of Manipur Shri M N Phukan also has remarded on 10-9-1954 as follows:- “The Paite Nationa Council has always been helping the Administration in collecting uncicensed firearms and maintaining law and order. The members also helped a great deal in organising the Manipur plains and Hills Festival held this year and making it a success. I am personally indebted to them for their help and cooperation during my four and helf years’ stay in Manipur” Sd/.

Lastly but not the least, Shri Kaka Kalelkar, MP (Member of parliament), Chairman of the Backward Classes & Tribes Commission of the Government of India also on 23-11-1953 during their (Commission’s) visit to Imphal remarked as follows:-

“I am very glad to see the dances of the students of the Paite community this morning at the Adim Jati Shiksha Ashram, Imphal. The dances showed both grace and vigour. I congratulate the paite community”.

The above remarks recently made by the various high personalities of India and her Government’s representatives and those of the important documents and books of old and long standing as quoted in the foregoing paragraphs prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the Paite have from time immemorial been a very glaring distinct community. But to our most disappointing and surprise the Paite have not been allowed to stand for election in the last General Election of India for the Membership of the House of the People (Lok Sabha). The Paite community cannot but feel this rejection as a divorce by the Governmetn of India from the Paite being member of Indian citizen enless timely rectified by the authorities.

The Rejection of candidature

The Paite wanted to be more helpful and expected to be more and more responsible in the Government of the country. Therefore, in 1951 the Paite National Council nominated Mr. T Thangkhai to be a candidate for an MP, in general election. But to our great surprise and amazement, the then returning Officer rejected the candidature on the following plea:

“The candidate (i.e. Mr Thangkhai) says that a paite is neither a Kuki nor a Naga nor a Lushai. The sear is reserved for the Scheduled Tribes which mean any Kuki tribe, any Lushai tribe or any Naga tribe. The nomination is rejected”. 

Sd/- M N Phukan, Returning Officer, 

Dated December 8, 1951.

Facts are facts and there is no other way. That there is such a tribe as the Paite is that the Paite are a distinct tribe from either the Kuki tribe, the Naga tribe or the Lushei tribe, is a Universally known and proved fact, as clearly shown in the writing of several authors on linguistic surveys and Hill tribes.

The Government of India should note that recognition of Paite as distinct tribe is not demanded on the basis of population nor on any idea except on the fact of our being a distinct tribe. If any body objects it, it cannot but be anti-Indian. Because, India, for her democratic ideals, stands for the upliftment, preservation and development of the customs, culture, language, etc. of even the least and most backward tribes of India. And if this demanded recognition be denied of us, it cannot mean other thing than denial of citizenship to us. The Government should not delay to assure any body or tribe of their feeling as Indians.

Therefore, there should be no further delay in recognising the Paite tribe and it must be a constitutional recognisation when an individual state or Union officer will not have the slightest doubt about the accomplished fact. We have no doubt that both the Government in the State and at the Centre are anxious to see every section of the country is happy and when the Paite are recognised constitutionally as a distinct tribe, there will be happiness among some 60,000 Paite throughout the region of 3000 square miles.

Hence our request and demand is a kind reply of recognition of the Paite as distinct tribe in time for the next general election of India, otherwise the Paite will take it for granted that they are not wanted to be an integral part of Indians, and therefore can join any other Government which will give them (Paite) due recognition, and they cannot be blamed for that if the order dated 8-12-1951 of the Returning Officer, oyuter Manipur Parliamentary Constituency is to prevail. 

Yours Faithfully

Manipur State. 

Dated: New Churachandpur Manipur. 
November 18, 1955


Tuesday, February 11, 2025



#NU-te Ih Thupitna, Le A Manphatna 

♥Piancilna 2:18 sunga, Adam ading "a kituak a huh ding" cih kam-mal pen Hebrew lai in עזר (‛êzer) "adom, ahuh, aliah, adaal, apanpih ding" cihna hi-a "midang gen loh Pasalte na-ngawn in i sep theih ahi ngiat lo, NU bek ih sep theih tavuan/mawhpuak (numei khat, nu dinmun a tun ciang bek) genna hi-a, a deihna thupi in, manpha lua mahmah hi. Hih lai-mal LST sung-ah mun 21 ah kizang hi. 

♕  "Pasian a zahtak (godly) NU anei peuhmah mizawng kici thei ngei lo ding hi." ~ Abraham Lincoln

♕  "Kumpi ka tun theihna pen ka NU' hang ahi hi." ~ Abraham Lincoln

♕ "Hih ciang ka tun theihna pen ka NU' hong pattahna hang ahi hi." ~ Abraham Lincoln 

♕ "Ka NU' tungah, thuk-zawh ngeiloh ding, leiba ka nei hi." ~ Abraham Lincoln 

♕ "Ka muh ngei numei khempeuh lakah kei’ NU mah mel hoih pen." ~ George Washington

♕ Ka gualtungtuanna khempeuh ka NU’ tung pan-a ka ngah hi." ~ George Washington

♕  "A lawhcing pasal peuh mah Zi hoih nei teng ahi uhi." ~ George Washington

♕ "Ka hihna bangbang ka NU’ hong bawl bangbang hi mai ing." ~ John Quincy Adams

♕ "Ka NU tung pan in thungetna a manphatna, tupna bangci bangin nei-in tuate tangtung takpi ding cih bangci banga um ding, cih thute ka sin hi." ~ Ronald Reagan

♕ "Ka sia thupi pen, ka NU a hi hi." ~ Winston Churchill

♕ "French gam ih ki sap in "NU-te" hi." ~ Napoleon Bonarpat

♕ "NU hoih 3 hong pia le uh-cin, leitung buppi ka uk zo ding hi." ~ Napoleon Bonarpat

♕ "NU" cih kammal sungah lungnopna zatui namkim kiguang khawm ahi hi." ~ Bishop Thomson

♕ "NU khempeuh kei' NU bang hile-uh leitungah thonginn kisam lo ding hi." ~ D. L. Moody

♕ "Ka lawhcinna thusim pen NU hoih ka neih hang hi." ~ Thimothy Dwight

♕ "NU hoih khat pen Sia 100 tawh kikim hi." ~ George Herbert

♕ "Galhangte sangin NU hoih manpha zaw hi." ~ H. Benson

♕ "NU hoih khat pen, galkap kuankhat (Batalion 12) sangin, manpha zaw hi." ~ H. Benson

♕ "NU hoih sanga zahtak huaizaw omlo hi." ~ R. A. Torrey

♕ "NU hoih ka neih man-in, a lawhcing ka hi hi." ~ R. A. Torrey

♕ NU-te hong pia dih un, amaute zangin leitung kong kilamdangsak ding hi." ~ St. Augustine

♕ "NU-te in vantung kongpi tawhtang kemte ahi uhi." ~ Theodore Williams

♕ Dr. G. Campbell Morgan pen British Pasian thugen siam minthan khat hi in, Tapa 5 nei hi, a vekun Pasian thugen siam vive suak kim uh hi. Khatvei a leenglapa khat in: "No teng 6 sung pan kua thugen siampen? ci a, a dot leh, ki thutuak takin aw khat tawh avek un "Ka NU uh" (Mother) ci lian mawk hi.

♕ "Ka neulai in ka NU in thunget dan hong hilh, phawk kik kha lo hileng, Pasian ka um kei ding hi." ~ John Randolph

"A tate in amah it mahmah uh a, a pasal in zong pakta mahmah hi."(Paunak 31:28)

"A sepna khempeuh hangin amah phat un. Mi khempeuh in a zahtak dingin a kilawm ahi hi."(Paunak 31:31)

Sunday, January 26, 2025



Pupi Donald Trump thusuak(EO) bangin US gamah mihingte pen genders nih in kikhen ziau a, tua pen numei leh pasal (male & female) ahi hi, tua lo mihing dang (gender) om lo hi a cih dungsung in, Thursday niin State Department lamin mathak hong la uh hi.

Department of State maikai thak liklek, Marco Rubio in a beisa huna nu leh pa hihna nei lo, gender nei lo mite Passport tunga X cih a kituangsak passport peuhmah tu bansiah State Department lamin piakhia nawn lo dingin Department of State lama nasemte thu pia hi.

Tua ahih manin January 23, 2025 ni a kipan in numei leh pasal hihna nei lo, X passport ngetna limlim (application) State Department lamin nolh ta ding uh a, koihdap ta ding uh hi ci hi. Bek tham loin X passport a neisa pawlkhat in passport tunga X cih ciamtehna laih ding a ngetna uh zong kidinkhawlsak phawt ding hi ci uh hi.

State department staff on Thursday were ordered to “suspend any application requesting an X sex marker” and to “suspend any application where the applicant is seeking to change their sex marker” from the definition provided in the executive order.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025



Pu Trump in kumpi tokhom tungah a tut ni masapen niin World Health Organization (WHO) panin a taikhiat thu official in hong tangko khia hi.

Pu Trump in WHO pan a taikhiatna hang tuamtuam gen a, COVID19 hang leh US in gam dangte sanga Fund tampi tak a piak zawkna hanga a lungkim loh thu zong gen hi.

Trump Announces U.S. Withdrawal from WHO on First Day of New Term

President Donald Trump has officially announced the United States' withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO), CNN reports.




Bangbang hi ta leh US upadi in thuneihna a piak bangin Pupi Donald Trump in a executive orders zangin US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) nuaia peemta-galtaite lak ding vai khempeuh khaktan in, hong dinkhawlsakta ahih manin khasia lo ding hi hang. I theih loh leh mang lam zong hi lo a, thei gige mah a vote i piak tantan ahih manin pasal ciin lungkia lo ding hi hang.

Hih order pen hong tung ding January 27, 2025 nitak lam nai 12:01 am (eastern standard time) liana kipanin zat pat hi ding hi. Cihnopna-ah January 27, 2025 nai 12:01 ma-in galtaite zong hong tung man lai cihna hi pah hi. 

Thu dang la dang a om kik masiah Secretary of Homeland Security in galtai vai khempeuh khaktan /suspend phawt ding cihna hi pah hi.

Ni 90 sungin galtai lak kik ding vai tawh kisai pen Homland secretary leh Secretary of State-te in Homeland Advisor tungtawn in president kiangah report pia ding uh a, galtai lakkik hun ding thukhensatna a om kik masiah, ni 90 (kha 3) halta in President kiangah report pia zel ding uh hi.

REALIGNMENT OF US REFUGEES ADMISSION PROGRAM: Cihnopna-ah Pupi Donald Trump in USRAP nuaia galtai lakdan pen gama dingin hoih sa zo lo ahih manin a khekna ding, lampi dang zong ding cihna hi pah a, galtai lakdan ding lampi dang, paidan thak leh hoihzaw a muh kik mahsiah galtai lakdan ding vai pen dinkhawl phawt ding hi leh kilawm hi.

Zan sawt khit, ihmutsuak, lusu kawmkawma a hampi kong teisuk buatbuat hi a, a kicing leh a kitel sinsen in hih a nuaia Link kong piak, Pupi Donald Trump Executive Order-ah na sim ciatta un.

Sunday, November 24, 2024



By Rev.Khual Lam Cin Mang

General Secretary, TVBA

THU MASA: Pornography ( a tomin Porn kici hi ) a khiatna bang hiam? Oxford English Dictionary in: Pictures, writings, or films that are intended to arouse sexual excitement, ci-in na gen hi. Tua ahih manin “ PORN / PORNOGRAPHY i cih ciangin nulepa omkhopna vai ah huukna leh lanna lust ) a khangsak lim, laigelh-thugelh ahih kei leh limcinte a genna ahi hi. Khantohna tawh kizui-in a neu a lianin i phone-te panin internet tawh kizangkhawm pahpah ahih manin internet panin porn en tam mahmah hi. Tua ahih manin tu-a kipanin Zokam tawh gengen nawn loin Mikang kam ‘ porn / internet porn’ cih kong zang ziau ding hi.

  Khristiante adingin internet porn a hoih lohna i gen ding uhi. Lai Siangtho in deih het lo ahihna zong i gen nuam hi. I galpa Satan in hih internet porn zangin Khristiante sungah mun hong la mahmah, innteek tang mahmahta ahih manin i kidop ding thupi mahmah hi. A neu a lian in smart phone i tawi kim theih-a kipatin khangnote bek hiloin  pastorte zong peng lo, upate zong peng lo, gam khangtote bangah numeite nangawn porn et zongsangta ( addicted ) uhi. Satan in tulaitakin a zat a galvan hoih mahmah internet porn ahi hi. Hih porn a hoih lohna thu tam lo kikumsukin internet porn et zongsatna pan suahtak sawm ciat ni.

INTERNET PORN ZONGSANG TAM MAHMAH HI: Covenant Eyes in a kankhiatna ah hi bangin mukhia hi:

( i ) Setkan ( second ) khat simin mihing 28,258 te in internet porn en  uhi.

( ii ) Setkan khat simin internet panin porn et nading sum US $ 3,075.64/ kizang bei hi.

( iii ) Porn limcin ( films ) 88% pen pumpi kigawtbawlna kimu thei-in, 49% pen kam tawh kikobawlna pian vive zang uhi.

( iv ) Porn limcing ( porn performers ) 75% te in kanza khamtheih ( marijuana ) zang uha, 50% te in lungsim thathosak khamtheih zatang ( ecstasy ) zang uhi.

( v ) Mobile phone 5 teh 1 in internet ah porn tawh kisai website zong uhi.

( vi ) Youth pastor 5 teh 1 leh Senior pastor 7 teh 1 in pongmanin ( regular basis ) internet porn en den uhi. 

( vii ) Senior pastor leh youth pastor 43% te in a beisa hunin internet porn tawh ka na buai ngei hi, ci uhi.

( viii ) Khristian kici pasal 64% te leh Khristian kici numei 15% te in kha khat teh khat vei porn ka en hamtang uhi, ci-in gen uhi.

( ix ) Pawlpi 7% bek in porn tawh a buaite hot khiat nading nasep ( ministry program ) sem bek uhi.

( x ) A tangpi ( average ) in pasalte kum 12 panin porn et kipan uhi.

( xi ) Khangmoi ( kum 13-19 kikaalte ) 71% te in online ah a et uh website-te a nu leh pate uh theisak loin phiat sim den uhi.

( xii ) Keylogger Review in a ciamtehna ah nisimin internet pan naupang porn ( child pornography ) a zong mihing 116,000 val bang pha den hi, ci hi. Nunglam deuha Kawlgama thupiang, tuni ciang dong a kibuaipih lai Victoria vai bang zong a dahhuaipi khat ahi hi.


Internet panin a kizong tam pen porn tawh kisai website te ahi hi. Tulaitakin a hoih het lo internet porn in leitung buppi ah kizelin natna dam thei lo bangin a zongsangte tawp pak, khawl pak thei nawn lo uhi. Satan in hih internet porn zangin lawhcing kisa mahmah hi. Hih internet porn hangin nupa kaal a kisia tampi om hi. Huukna leh lanna ( lust ) khangsak ahih manin kibuan ( rape ) zong pungsak tuam mahmah hi. Angkawmna ( adultery ) tamsak tuam hi. Hih internet porn in nulenu palepa kilunggulhna leh omkhopna ( homosexuality ) piangsakin, khangsak hi, kici hi. 

 Lai Siangtho in mawhna lianin a ciapteh thumte in: Cilesa kilunggulhna ( the lust of the flesh ), mit tawh kilunggulhna ( the lust of the eyes ) leh kiphatsakna ( the pride of life ), ( 1 Johan 2:16 ) cih teng ahi hi. Internet porn in cilesa kilunggulhna leh mit tawh kilunggulhna piangsak hi. 

 Filippi 4:8 ah - Sanggamte aw, a tawpna-ah ka hong gennop thu in, a hoih le a phattaak thute tawh na lungsim uh na kidimsak un. Tuate in: A man, a dik, a tang, a siangtho, a deihhuai, le a pahtakhuai thute ahi hi, ci-in na gen hi. Tua ahih manin internet porn in i lungsim pen hih thute tawh kidimsak het lo ding ahih manin internet porn pen Pasian in deih het lo pah hi. 

 Internet porn a hoih lohna Lai Siangtho in zong hih bangin na gen hi.

( i ) Mawhna-in na ciamteh pah hi. Internet porn in midang tawh mawhpih nopna lungsim piangsak ahih manin mawhna hi pah hi. Matthai 5:28 ah- Ahi zongin ke’n kong genin-ah: Mawhpih nopna lungsim tawh numei khat a en mi peuhmah in a lungsimah tua numei tawh a mawh ahi hi. 

( ii ) Internet porn’ sila kisuak thei hi. I zongsat khat peuhpeuh pen tua i zongsat ii sila cihna hi. 1 Korin 6:13 ah “Ka ut peuhpeuh ka hih theih nading thu om hi,” a ci omkha ding hi. Ahi zongin na khempeuh hih ding kilawm lo hi. Kei zong ka ut khempeuh ka hih theih hangin tua bang gamtatna khat peuhpeuh’ sila ka suak nuam kei hi. 2 Peter 2:19 ah .... Bang hang hiam cih leh mite pen, a hong zo peuhpeuhte’ sila ihi hi.

( iiii ) Internet porn in siatna ( destruction ) piangsak hi. Paunak 6:25-28 ah 25 Amau’ melhoihna iplahkha kei inla, amau’ hong zawlmitna khenglahkha kei in. 26 Bang hang hiam cih leh anlum khat tawh numei paktat khat kingahzo a, ahi zongin numei tawh mawhna in nuntakna bup siasak hi. 27 Na ang sungah meikuang pom lecin na puan kang loin om ding ahi hiam? 28 Mei-am tungtawnin pai lecin na khe kang loin om ding ahi hiam?

3. KOICI BANGIN INTERNET PORN ZONGSATNA PAN SUAKTA DING?  Internet porn zongsatna pen khamtheih zatui ( drugs ) zongsatna tawh kibanga a zongsangte nisimin internet porn en loin om thei nawn lo uhi, ci-in mipilte ( experts ) in gen uhi. Tua banga zongsatna in Khristiante adingin i kha nuntakna susia bek hi loin i pumpi leh i lungsim mahmah in zong thuaklawh ( side effects ) hi. Internet porn zongsatna hangin pumpi leh lungsim in a thuaklawh thute ( side effects ):

( i ) Kisuanna lungsim nei den uhi.

( ii ) Amau leh amau kimawhsakna ( guilty ) nei den uhi.

( iii ) Hawmkisakna ( emptiness ), khattang kisakna ( loneliness ) leh lungkiat nate ( depression ) nei uhi.

( iii ) Mi lakah om nuam kholloin tuam om den nuam uhi.

( iv ) Nupa kikhenna ( divorce ) piangsak hi.

( v ) Ihmut kham ngei lo uhi.

( vi ) Kibuanna ( rape ) piangsak hi.

( vii ) Ki-it kingaihna om lopi-in omkhopna ( sex ) piangsak hi.

 Tua ahih manin internet porn in hoihna khat zong a piansak om lo ahih manin a zongsangte in tawpsan ding loh ngal thudang om lo hi. Pasian in zong deih lo ahih manin hih zongsatna pen nutsiat ding, taihsat ding, zatkikel nawn lo ding mawhna lian khat ahi hi.

 ( i ) Hih internet porn zongsatna panin suahtak nadingin pianthak ( Jesuh sungah mithak suahna ) bek in hong gualzosak ding hi. Jesuh tawh mantaka kizopna bekin in hong gualzosak ding hi. Johan 15:5 ah “Kei pen leenggui ka hi a, note pen a hiang na hi uh hi. Note in kei tawh loin bangmah hih thei lo ding na hih manun kei tawh a kizomte in gah tampi na gah ding uh hi. 

 ( ii ) A piangthak khat na hih nak leh Kha Siangtho in hong gualzawhpi ding hi. Efesa 3:16 - note’ lungsim a thahat nadingin Pasian in a kicing ama vangliatna sung panin a Kha Siangtho tawh note hong thakhauh sakin,

 ( iii ) Pasian tungah i lungsim i pumpi apin kipumpiak ding leh i kipuahphatsak ding ahi hi. ( Roman 12:1-4 ; 1 Tua sahih ciangin sanggamte aw, Pasian in eite tam veipi tak hong hehpih ahih manin ama lungkim nading le ama nasep nadingin nomau mahmah a hingtangin Pasian tungah na kipiak nadingun ka hong thum hi. Tua banga kipiakna pen Pasian biakna man taktak ahi hi. 2 Leitung mihingte’ gamtat bangin gamta kei unla, na lungsim uh kikheelin Pasian kipuahphasak un. Tua hileh a hoih nate bang hi a, bangte in amah lungkimsakin, bangte a kicing hiam ci-in thei-in Pasian’ deihna na phawk thei ding uh hi. )

 ( iv )Topa tungah i lungsim ngaihsutna leh i mitte mahmah ap ding ahi hi. ( 1 Johan 2:16 - Bang hang hiam cih leh pumpi deihna, mit tawh mu-in i deihte, le mite’ kisaktheihpih nate ahi leitung nate khempeuh pen Pa Pasian tawh a kizom thu hi lo a, leitung tawh a kizom thu ahi hi. ) 

 ( v ) Hih internet porn zongsatna hoih lo na zawh nadingin Pasian kiang panin thahatna ngen in. ( Filippi 4:13 - Khrih in a hong piak vangliatna tawh hihte khempeuh nawkzawh nading thahatna a nei ka hi hi. )

 ( vi ) Lim hoih lo tuamtuam et nopna ze-etna panin Topa’n hong kep nadingin thu ngen in ( 1 Korin 10:13 - Na tuah uh ze-etnate khempeuh pen mite’ tuah ngeingeite mah ahi hi. Pasian in citakin a thuciamna lenkip ahih manin note’ thuak zawh loh ding ze-etna hong tuaksak lo ding hi. Ze-etna na tuah hun uh ciangin zong na thuakzawh nading uh thahatna hong guan ding ahih manin na suahtak zawh nading uh lampi hong honsak ding hi. )

 ( vii ) Na ngaihsutna na lungsim ah Pasian mun pia inla, Pasian lungkim nadingin gamta in ( Filippi 8:4 -  Sanggamte aw, a tawpna-ah ka hong gennop thu in, a hoih le a phattaak thute tawh na lungsim uh na kidimsak un. Tuate in: A man, a dik, a tang, a siangtho, a deihhuai, le a pahtakhuai thute ahi hi. )


 Hih internet porn thu i gen ciangin nu leh pa pawlkhat in thupi ngaihsut khollo kha mai thei ding hi. Ahi zongin i upmawh sangin khangno tampitak buai uhi, Khristian kici mi tampitak buai uhi. Pasian nasem kici pawlkhat zong buai uhi, ci-in mipilte in mukhia uhi. Na upmawh loh pipi hih ze-etna sungah na buai mahmah ( struggling ) uhi, ci-in gen uhi. Tua ahih manin nuleh pate in zong i tate in a phone koici zat uh hiam? cih a kanhuai thu khat ahi hi. Khristiante pen Pasian in lungsim pumpi a siangtho sinsen dingin hong sapte ihih manin hih internet porn tawh kisawhkhak loh limlim ding thupi hi. A zongsangkhinsate in zong i tawpsan ding ahi hi.